Sometimes in life, things happen and one may ask why. When they are good things, it may be appreciated, but most of the time, it is taken for granted. When it is something bad or negative, it is easy to feel that nothing but bad things happen. I have a tendency to immediately believe there must be a reason. Is it because of something I have done in the past? Is it a consequence of some wrong I have done? Then I come to realize that I can make the reason anything I want. I reflect on my past, consider my present, and look to the future. I imagine that maybe the “bad thing” was a wake up call to prevent something worse happening in the future. I can not change the past, thus there is no point to regretting choices or actions. I can not change the past, thus there is no point to wasting energy reliving what I could have done differently. I can not change the past, thus there is no point to wasting another moment there. Harness the present and live for today, as tomorrow is not guaranteed.